
View the Project on GitHub kormingsoon/ip

PikaDuke User Guide

A CS2103 Project to create a simple bot for to-do tasking.

The attitude of which I have adopted for this module as well as for the graphics are inspired by my all time favorite game:


Gotta Catch ‘Em All (A+s)

Thunderbolt Features

For the PikaDuke Bot, I have implemented the following features: (click on the bolded word to get to the command details)

  1. Adding of tasks to the bot.
  2. Storage & Retrieval of tasks in local drive.
  3. Listing of all existing tasks.
  4. Marking completion for tasks desired to be marked as completed.
  5. Deletion of tasks no longer desired to be in the list.
  6. Searching for key taskings.
  7. Sorting of tasks according to their input schedule (if available).
  8. Help display in the event user encounters error.

Feature Details

1. Addition Of Tasks

The user will be able to add tasks into PikaDuke. There are 3 types of tasking of which the user can segment his tasks into.


Simply adds a tasking with the ‘task details’ into PikaDuke.

Example of usage:

todo eat genki sushi

Expected outcome:

Steady! I add... wait ah...
    ADDED: [T][X] eat genki sushi
Now you got 1 tasks


Adds an event tasking with the ‘task details’ as well as Date and Time into PikaDuke.

Date & Time format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Example of usage:

event eat shabusai /at 2020-11-14 12:00

Expected outcome:

Steady! I add... wait ah...
    ADDED: [E][X] eat shabusai (at: 14 Nov 2020, 12:00PM)
Now you got 2 tasks


Adds an deadline tasking with the ‘task details’ as well as Date and Time into PikaDuke.

Date & Time format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Example of usage:

deadline eat steak /by 2020-11-14 11:00

Expected outcome:

Steady! I add... wait ah...
    ADDED: [D][X] eat steak (by: 14 Nov 2020, 11:00AM)
Now you got 3 tasks


2. Storage and Retrieval of Tasks

PikaDuke will smartly retrieve an existing set of task if there is an existing file in your local computer. Upon launching of PikaDuke, it will parse through the text file and create the task list to be loaded into PikaDuke.

If there are no files located by PikaDuke, PikaDuke will automatically create a text file named duke.txt in the same directory as the source file. All writing and loading functions will be directed to this duke.txt.

The default file path set for this is as follows:

private final String defaultPath = "./duke.txt"; The code is located in`Storage.java`. If you would like to change the directory to another location or change the filename, you can edit so via the above shown code in `Storage.java`.

3. Listing

Displays all the existing task list in PikaDuke.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Retrieving your list, patient ah!
    1. [T][X] eat genki sushi
    2. [E][X] eat shabusai (at: 14 Nov 2020, 12:00PM)
    3. [D][X] eat steak (by: 14 Nov 2020, 11:00AM)


4. Marking Completion

Marks the completion, indicated by a X or . Completed tasks will display [✓]. The index of the task corresponds to the number of which it is listed, you can simply run list to check the index of the task.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Swee la, task done liao:
    [T][✓] eat genki sushi

5. Deletion of Task

Deletes a task that is existing on the list. The index of the task corresponds to the number of which it is listed, you can simply run list to check the index of the task. You can run the command list again to see that the task is no longer on the list.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Delete liao boss:
Remaining Tasks: 2 ---

6. Searching

Finds the tasks that contains the <key word(s)> and lists only the relevant task(s). Note that this will not delete the tasks not relevant with the search word.

Example of usage:

find shabusai

Expected outcome:

Retrieving your list, patient ah!
1. [E][X] eat shabusai (at: 14 Nov 2020, 12:00PM)


7. Sorting of Tasks

This features helps to sort the task existing in the list. The sort sorts the task list according to the date and time input. For the todo type tasks, without the time and date input, will be pushed to the bottom of the list.

Example of usage:

user input: 

    Retrieving your list, patient ah!
    1. [T][X] eat genki sushi
    2. [E][X] eat shabusai (at: 14 Nov 2020, 12:00PM)
    3. [D][X] eat steak (by: 14 Nov 2020, 11:00AM)

user input:

Expected outcome:

 Retrieving your list, patient ah!
     1. [D][X] eat steak (by: 14 Nov 2020, 11:00AM)
     2. [E][X] eat shabusai (at: 14 Nov 2020, 12:00PM)
     3. [T][X] eat genki sushi ---

8. Help Command

Displays the initial prompt message to guide the user on the command available for the bot.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Pika pika pika!!! Pika Pika CHU!
• 'list', to list all your task!
• 'event <task> /at <duration>'
• 'deadline <task> /by <deadline>' 
• 'delete x' delete a task!
• 'done x' complete a task to tick it
• 'find <key word search>'
• 'help' to bring this page up!
• 'sort' to sort your tasks!
Date and Time Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Thanks for coming!
